Saturday, May 03, 2008

week 12 attempt 1

Steps to changing a flat tire:

1. Open the trunk and try to figure out how to lift the cover that hides the tire.
2. 10 minutes to figure out the little thingy that holds the tire down.
3. Remove the tire and the jack thingy too.
4. Turn the jack over in your hands and stare at it like the artifact it will some day be.
5. Bend down near the flat tire and try to figure where the best placement for the jack would be. (There is no arrow telling you to place jack here.)
6. Give up on jack and turn the tire iron around in your hand thinking you will never be able to loosen those little lug nuts.
7. Turn your attention back to jack and place it under the car.
8. Place handle thing in jack and try to reach jack with out getting you dress clothes dirty.
9. Take jack out and throw it back into the trunk.
10.Remember you have Triple A. Make the call.

1 comment:

johngoldfine said...

Sure, that's the idea--sounds like a person not a machine, but the person is not directly there.